Thursday, 19 January 2012

A fucking minibus!!!

I watched BBC news last night ... (this doesn't happen often) it disgusted me enough to write about it though...

An estate in Bradford now has a mini bus to drive round to individual houses in a morning to pick the kids up for school....
Simply because the lazy ... Non working... Dressing gown wearing... Boggle eyed, fucktarded parents cannot be arsed to do the School run ....

What the actual fuck? ...

How about fining them?...
Or taking away their 87 inch plasmas so they can't watch Jezza?...
Or take a tenner off their dole for every day little McKenzie misses at school because his fat arsed mother was still in bed...
Or worse still take away their weed and staffy dog ...

All these would force the lazy twats outside..

It showed the children being picked up from various shit ridden houses... All the doors answered by overweight, grubby dressing gown, fag smoking trolls...

An actual quote from one of the pyjama clad yodas ...

"I as 5 kids init... It's propa ard getting em all up an stuff.. Vey as bout free days a week off skool"

I'll tell you what sweetcheeks.... Try GETTING UP A BIT FUCKING EARLIER!!..

these scummy inbreds should be punished... Not fucking rewarded with a free bus service, so that they don't even have to get dressed!!

This is EXACTLY what is wrong with this country..

If you can't do the basic duties as a parent...

Stop popping bloody kids out...




  1. That is funny, and I agree, but indicates what is so different about life outside London... I would vote wholeheartedly for a free bus to pick up all the spoilt little brats around Kensingston rather than the roads clogged up with 200 Range Rover Chelsea tractors driven by yummy mummies because they couldn't possibly let little Tarquin experience the outside world on his own....

  2. This I can sympathise with... except round here it's: "yow day know that I ay got none of that innit!" Joyous.

    1. Fuck off Laura... Nobody is interested. K.. Thanks.
